Vote for EqualiTee at the KSP AWARDS 2018

equalitee gender equality kidsstoppress kspawards2018 kspawards2018 indianparentingawards

My 4-year old has been asking some interesting questions lately.

 Why are there no girl drivers?

Why are all soldiers boys?

Why are there no boy teachers in the school?

It’s incredible how a very young child can spot the gender gap and find it to be an anomaly. They find it puzzling, what we adults grow to accept as normative.  I feel as strongly about the need to challenge these norms today as I did nearly a year back when we launched EqualiTee in June 2018 to challenge gender stereotypes in early childhood by introducing visual imagery through a range of merchandise that breaks the tyranny of blue, pink and other stereotypes afflicting both boys and girls.


In all earnestness, I didn’t know what to expect. I had a hunch that there are more parents like me but how big is this tribe and how would they respond to a brand based on ideals of challenging gender-bias were all questions for us. Having met hundreds of parents on this journey, I realise that the biases are deep and fighting the conditioning for large masses will take work (hell I remind myself that’s why EqualiTee came into being in the first place!) At the same time, I am very encouraged by the support of those who already understand and believe in this and those who are on the fence but are open to change if it can impact their children positively.

It’s with the support of this parent group that we have been nominated in two categories at the KSPAwards 2018 hosted by the very popular Kidsstoppress .  We have been nominated for the ‘Best Parent-led venture’ and ‘Best Social Enterprise – Women and Children’ (would have been nice to have ‘Men’ covered, they are key to our enterprise of equality :) !)

The awards winners will be chosen basis the number of votes garnered.  We seek your vote and support for EqualiTee so we can take our message to an even bigger parent group across India.  Click on the links below, scroll and select ‘EqualiTee by Candidly’ and submit to vote:

  1. Best Social Enterprise – Women and Children -
  2. Best Parent-led venture -

Thank you for having been a part of journey. We have some exciting new updates in 2019, stay tuned!


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