The Equalitee Blog — gender equality
Vote for EqualiTee at the KSP AWARDS 2018
equalitee gender equality kidsstoppress kspawards2018 kspawards2018 indianparentingawards
My 4-year old has been asking some interesting questions lately. Why are there no girl drivers? Why are all soldiers boys? Why are there no boy teachers in the school? It’s incredible how a very young child can spot the gender gap and find it to be an anomaly. They find it puzzling, what we adults grow to accept as normative. I feel as strongly about the need to challenge these norms today as I did nearly a year back when we launched EqualiTee in June 2018 to challenge gender stereotypes in early childhood by introducing visual imagery through a...
EqualiTee at Kalaghoda Street Art Festival 2019
gender cool merchandise gender equality kalaghoda festival 2019 lottie dolls stalls at kalaghoda 2019
We were delighted to be a part of the iconic Kalaghoda Street Art Festival earlier this month. In its 20th year, the event promised a fine and a wide spread of culture from cinema, theatre, literature, music, dance and of course art installations. We were very excited to be shortlisted by the festival curators for the stalls segment featuring artists, designers, creators from all parts of the country. We showcased for a period of 5 days from 2-6 February and couldn’t have asked for a more enthusiastic response. We met people from all walks of life, 12 year old YouTubers...